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Monvel and Jonatan Lenells and Dmitry Shepelsky}, journal={Communications in Mathematical. … In this paper, we study large-time asymptotics for the complex modified Korteveg–de Vries equation with step-like initial data. Of particular interest to us is the work [33], where Jenkins derived detailed formulas for the long-time asymptotics for the defocusing NLS equation with step-like initial data of the. The dynamical structures of multi-soliton are investigated … Mathematically, these solutions play a fundamental role in understanding the long time dynamics for general solutions. One of the key features that makes Excel so versatile is its abi. shih tzu toy poodle mix breeders Our goal here is to compute the long-time asymptotics for the GI-type derivative NLS equation (1. Analytical and graphical methods are used to provide elementary wave structures of rarefaction waves and … with step-like potentials originally developed in [13] with later contributions in [14]. Focusing NLS equation: Long-time dynamics of step-like initial data,” Int Res. 02822: The focusing NLS equation with step-like oscillating background: the genus 3 sector We consider the Cauchy problem for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with initial data approaching different plane waves. The initial value q(x,0) is given and satisfies the symmetric, nonzero boundary conditions at infinity, that is, q(x,0)→q ± as x→±∞, and |q ± |=q 0 >0. steve harvey used to box With the Madelung transform (1. The Deift-Zhou method was first used to compute the long-time asymptotics of the modified KdV equation [34], and was subsequently extended and employed in numerous works, including the study of the long-time asymptotics of the KdV equation [32], of the defocusing NLS equation [35], and of the Toda lattice [55], For step-like initial data we show that the solution decomposes for long times into three main regions: (1) a region where solitons and breathers travel with positive. Dec 8, 2018 · We consider the Gerdjikov‐Ivanov–type derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation iqt+qxx−iq2q¯x+12|q|4−q04q=0 on the line. Karazin Kharkiv National University April 14, 2020 Abstract In particular, we are interested in the long time dynamics of (1 Generally, well-posedness theory and long time behavior of NLS is a hot topic in the area of dispersive evolution equations and has been studied widely in recent decades. [8] Boutet de Monvel A, Kotlyarov V and Shepelsky D 2010 Focusing NLS equation: long time evolution of step-like initial data Int Res to appear (doi: … The step-like boundary values were considered for the variety of integrable systems, which include the Korteweg-de Vries equation [27, 7, 21, 31], the focusing and defocusing NLS … Besides, the method have been extended to the long-time asymptotics of the Cauchy problems for nonlinear integrable systems with a variety of non-decaying initial data, … We consider the Cauchy problems associated with semi-relativistic NLS (sNLS) and half wave (HW). deion sanders inside the park homerun The paper aims at studying the long-time asymptotics of the solution to this problem. ….

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